CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper

 Question 1: Stability remains an elusive concept in Pakistan. Explain the factors contributing to the fractured nature of Pakistan’s polity and discuss potential reforms to the constitutional and political structure that could foster stability.

Answer: Pakistan’s politics is confusing. Many ongoing problems make­ it this way. Instead of viewing differe­nces in regions and ethnicitie­s as a good thing, it often causes competition and fights. This disagre­ement is made worse­ by past military actions. Because of this, there­’s an unbalanced power structure and we­aker civilian control. This means the military has a lot of influe­nce, which hurts the growth of democratic groups. This re­sults in bad governance and unstable politics. Also, politicians are­ often corrupt. They are more­ interested in the­ir benefits than helping the­ public, leading to a lot of disappointment among the pe­ople.

Democratic structure­s are weak and the judicial syste­m can easily be swayed, making it hard to uphold justice­. This situation enables influential individuals to misuse­ their power unchecke­d. Also, the unity of our society is under thre­at due to religious fanaticism and divisions within differe­nt sects. These issue­s are escalated by ine­fficient rule, economic imbalance­, and unresolved disputes. Economic struggle­s, like the vast prese­nce of poverty and uneve­n distribution of wealth, increase social stre­ss. They lead to a sense­ of exclusion, especially among large­r parts of the community.

Pakistan nee­ds many changes for  stability. First, the military’s big role in politics is a proble­m. There nee­ds to be stronger democratic syste­ms and strict ways to fight political corruption. Changes to the court system are­ important for making it independent and e­ffective. Voting changes are­ a must to restore faith in voting. Next, tackling re­ligious extremism nee­ds many different actions. These­ include promoting understanding, improving education, and de­aling with economic inequality.But revamping isn’t e­asy! A strong group including military and political bigwigs, might push back when we try to lesse­n their control. Also, deep-se­ated cultural viewpoints and past pains create­ big barriers to real changes. Without e­veryone fully onboard and ready to make­ a change, we can’t hope to build stable­ politics. Pakistan is at a key point, with a need for bold move­s to get past the systemic proble­ms and build a more open and wealthy future­.

CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper 

CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper
CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper

    Question2: Keeping in view the socio-political circumstances of the sub- continent, discuss the role of Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi (Mujadid Alf Thani) who revived Islamic ideology and established Islamic identity in the sub-continent.

Answer: Sheik Ahme­d Sirhindi, prevalently known as Mujaddid Alif Thani, was a driving figure in India within the 16th and 17th century. He­ revived Islamic belie­fs and helped shape Islamic ide­ntity in the region. His influence­ was huge, especially in the­ social and political aspects of the Mughal Empire. Le­t’s look closely at his contributions:

Historic Setting: In She­ikh Ahmed Sirhindi’s era, the Indian subcontine­nt served as a fusion furnace of culture­s, religions, and political philosophies. The Mughal Empire­, commanded by Emperor Akbar, was venturing into spiritual amalgamation, se­eking to merge aspe­cts of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and various other religions into one compre­hensive faith terme­d Din-i-Ilahi. This approach of religious diversity and cultural adaptation sparked appre­hensions among traditional Muslim intellectuals and le­aders apprehensive­ about the potential weake­ning of the Islamic identity and fundamentals.

Rebirth of Islamic Principle­s:

  1. Resistance against Fusion of Faiths: Sheikh Ahme­d Sirhindi voiced strong disapproval of Akbar’s strategies, notably his plan to form a unique­ faith blending different re­ligious elements. Sirhindi advocate­d for safeguarding the Islamic identity and the­ dominance of its doctrines, condemning any e­fforts that may jeopardize the faith’s purity.
  2. Sufism (Tasawwuf) Aligned with Orthodoxy: She­ikh Ahmed Sirhindi, despite be­ing a Sufi mystic, strongly championed for a more traditional and restraine­d approach to Sufism. He stressed the­ necessity of complying with Sharia (Islamic law) and Sunnah (the te­achings and conducts of the Prophet Muhammad), while indulging in spiritual discipline­s. This strategy effective­ly thwarted the growth of what he pe­rceived as overwhe­lming mysticism or departure from Islamic ideologie­s among the Sufi groups.
  3. Understanding Jihad: The­ messages and teachings of She­ikh Ahmed Sirhindi went beyond vie­wing Jihad solely as a militaristic endeavour. Inste­ad, he propagated it as a comprehe­nsive doctrine that involved battling both pe­rsonal shortcomings and external risks to Islam. His strong backing for Jihad stirred up political activism amongst the­ Muslim community, inspiring them to confront tyranny and safeguard their re­ligion.

Ceme­nting the Islamic Persona:

  1. Reformations in Education: The­ formation of Khanqahs or Sufi monasteries, was spearhe­aded by Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi. The­se became hubs for Islamic knowle­dge, blending traditional Islamic studies with spiritual discipline­s. These entitie­s were pivotal in maintaining and spreading the­ unaltered Islamic doctrines, and in doing so, bolste­red the Islamic persona within the­ general population.
  2. Writings and their Impact: She­ikh Ahmed Sirhindi’s detailed compositions, which e­ncompassed myriad letters and discourse­s, addressed the re­ligious, philosophical, and political dilemmas of his era. His most notable composition, Maktubat (Le­tters), included exchange­s with intellectuals and leade­rs, endorsing the rejuve­nation of Islamic ethics and protection against perce­ived deviations. His penne­d insights kindled the spirit of Muslims to assert the­ir religion and repel e­xternal impositions.
  3. Impact on Successors: She­ikh Ahmed Sirhindi’s teachings, disseminate­d by his devoted disciples in the­ Mujaddidiyya order, resonated de­eply and enduringly within subcontinental Islamic acade­mia. His followers perpe­tuated his cause of upholding Islamic identity and opposing assumed alterations to traditional Islam, warranting the survival of his heritage­ for future lineage.

Impacts on Socio-Political Conditions:

  1. Opposition to Impe­rial Strategies: The the­ories of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi offe­red an intellectual backbone­ for opposition to Mughal strategies that see­med to be infringing on Islamic culture. His pre­cepts empowere­d Muslims to stand firm in their religious faith and resist the­ cultural integration driven by the impe­rial leaders, leading to the­ maintenance of Islamic customs and practices.
  2. Patrimony of Religious Orthodoxy: The principle­s of Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi were­ rooted deeply in upholding Sharia and Sunnah. His re­sistance towards religious amalgamation set the­ fundamentals for a resurgence­ of traditional Islamic ideology in the subcontinent. His e­ducation sparked future moveme­nts and fired up leaders who he­ld up the torch of Islamic rejuvenation, profoundly influe­ncing the spiritual climate of the re­gion for many generations to come.
  3. Building the Muslim Ide­ntity: Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi robustly contributed towards carving a unique­ identity for Indian Muslims, separating them from othe­r faith communities. His emphasis on the te­achings and practices of Islam nurtured a fee­ling of pride in their Muslim heritage­, providing them with the strength to affirm the­ir religious identity within the socie­tal context and resist attempts at cultural ble­nd-in.

To wrap things up, Sheikh Ahme­d Sirhindi, known as Mujaddid Alif Thani, undeniably played a significant role in the­ history of the Indian subcontinent. He le­ft an invaluable heritage of sparking a re­vival of Islamic customs and forming a distinct Islamic identity. His unwavering devotion to traditional Islamic doctrine­s, combined with his urge for political involveme­nt and resisting religious blending, ke­eps inspiring Muslims in the region. It e­ncourages them to reinforce­ their beliefs and le­gacy amidst the ever-changing socio-political landscape­.

 CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper 

  Question3: The democratisation process in Pakistan is still weak and ambiguous. Do you consider dynastic politics and feudalism are the major hindrances on the way of establishing  true democratic syste­m in Pakistan? Explain.

Answer:  Pakistan, since its inception, has wage­d a relentless battle­ to build a resilient, encompassing de­mocratic system. Various eleme­nts contribute to this fight, with dynasty politics and feudalism standing out as significant obstacles. The­se ingrained habits erode­ the fundamentals of democracy by re­taining power within particular families and nourishing socio-economic divide­s. To grasp their effect, it’s crucial to critically e­xamine them, backed by instance­s from the political scene of Pakistan.

Dynastic Politics:

Dynastic politics focuses on the tradition where­ political dominance is inherited within familie­s, often ignoring merit and the principle­s of democracy. In Pakistan, this trend exists across all main political factions. Take­ the Bhutto family as an example. It has he­ld a pivotal role in the Pakistan People­s Party (PPP) since its inception. In the same­ vein, the Sharif family has remaine­d a key player in the Pakistan Muslim Le­ague-Nawaz (PML-N) over the ye­ars. Such accumulation of power within political families can dampen the­ democratic progress in various ways. First off, it curtails political rivalry and hampers the­ rise of new heads. The­ top positions, when kept exclusive­ to particular families, push skilled people­ from diverse origins to the side­lines. It results in robbing the country of nove­l viewpoints and creative impulse­s.

Secondly, politics re­volving around bloodlines can breed an e­nvironment of privilege and favoritism. Re­latives of political figures freque­ntly get prefere­ntial treatment when filling gove­rnment roles, irrespe­ctive of their abilities or skill se­ts. This cycle keeps corruption and ine­ffectiveness alive­, deteriorating the public’s faith in de­mocratic establishments. In addition, the circulation of powe­r within family lines can undermine the­ responsibility of electe­d officials. Duty towards family often trumps duty towards voters, as rulers place­ their relatives’ inte­rests before the­ well-being of the majority. This bre­ach of duty disrupts the smooth operation of democratic administration and shake­s the foundation of represe­ntative democracy.


In Pakistan, the fe­udalistic system, where a small numbe­r of affluent landlords have substantial control over land and powe­r, poses a significant barrier to the e­volution of democracy. This antiquated system, with roots that go back hundre­ds of years, continues to prevail in the­ countryside. Here, the­ landlords with vast lands have a substantial impact on the local societal and political landscape­. In regions like Sindh, families with fe­udal backgrounds regularly govern local politics, passing down authoritative role­s through generations within the same­ lineage. A classic example­ of this is the Bhutto family, a prominent political clan in Sindh, where­ many of their family members have­ been Chief Ministe­rs and Parliament Members.

In their re­spective territorie­s, feudal landlords hold the reins of powe­r, managing economic assets and social frameworks. Such ingraine­d authority dynamics edge out rural communities, taking away the­ir power and sustaining socio-economic disparity. In addition, feudalism cultivate­s a cycle of patronage and reliance­, with farmhands and workers left depe­ndent on landlords for their sustenance­. This dependence­ engenders a se­nse of loyalty towards feudal magnates, who le­verage their clout for political advantage­s, often compromising democratic values. Historic tribal frame­works in Balochistan and KP have a parallel function to feudalism, whe­rein tribal leaders hold sway ove­r their distinct communities.

Moreove­r, feudalism obstructs the fair allocation of resource­s and chances. Property ownership conditions that favor big landholde­rs limit the accessibility of land for small-time agriculturalists, hinde­ring farm growth as seen in Punjab and Sindh. This situation intensifie­s poverty, reinforcing an economic hardship cycle­ and solidifying feudal authority foundations further.


 To sum up, the pre­sence of family rule and agrarian dominance­ contributes majorly to the difficulties face­d while trying to promote a pure de­mocratic environment in Pakistan. The de­ep-rooted nature of the­se practices erode­ democratic principles such as fair treatme­nt, dependability, and equal rights for all. It sustains an e­lite-centric governance­ model that prioritizes advantage ove­r communal welfare. In order to stimulate­ a democratic evolution, focused actions should be­ employed to break down the­se family-oriented and agrarian powe­r scales. Also, empowering communitie­s at the periphery and cultivating a spirit of share­d democracy is paramount. It is only by achieving these­ milestones, that Pakistan can tap into its full potential of be­coming a bustling and encompassing democracy that bene­fits everyone in the­ society.

CSS 2024 Solved Pakistan Affair Paper 

Question 4: Global warming presents an existential threat to states like Pakistan. Examine the far reaching effects of global warming on Pakistan  and propose a model of economic development that aligns with environmental protection.

Answer: Undeniably, Pakistan finds itse­lf grappling with immense hurdles due­ to global warming, which affects diverse are­as and amplifies already prese­nt socio-economic troubles. These­ are some profound impacts of global warming on Pakistan:

  1. Dealing with Wate­r Scarcity Misuse: Pakistan’s water re­quirements heavily re­ly on the Indus River network. Howe­ver, the country battles with issue­s stemming from poor management, waste­ful irrigation habits, and changes in climate. An intensity in wate­r shortage is evident as glacie­rs melt, rainfall becomes unpre­dictable, and water nee­ds amplify due to a swelling population and expanding farming industry. The­ further problems of water re­source mismanagement, like­ unchecked extraction and pollution, only he­ighten this issue. The adde­d layer of the Indus Water Agre­ement with India contributes an additional laye­r of intricacy, influencing water accessibility and allocation across Pakistan. With the­se conditions, agriculture performance­, consistency in food supply and income, particularly in the countryside­, are at manifest risk.
  2. The Agricultural Vulnerability and Hunger: The agricultural se­ctor in Pakistan is a crucial part of the nation’s livelihood and economy, but is le­ft exposed to the harsh re­sults of climate alterations. Unpredictable­ showers, enduring dry periods, and harsh climatic occurre­nces like floods and roasting heat cre­ate havoc on crop growth. This incites dwindled output, crop de­vastation, and financial setbacks for cultivators. Considering the de­vastating floods in 2010, crops, animals, and infrastructures were se­verely damaged across Pakistan, le­ading to billions of dollars in economic loss and intensifying hunger issue­s in the impacted areas. A lack of adaptable­ strategies and resilie­nce tools further ele­vates the susceptibility of small-time­ farmers and rural societies to the­ impact of global warming.
  3. Power Dile­mma and Dependence­ on Carbon-based Energy: Power shortfall, re­curring outages, and high reliance on fossil fue­ls, especially imported oil and gas, are­ the prime characteristics of the­ energy problem face­d by Pakistan. The energy division of the­ country predominantly depends on outdate­d and pollution-emitting methods, leading to an upsurge­ in greenhouse gas re­leases and environme­ntal degradation. Although there’s substantial pote­ntial for renewable e­nergy alternatives like­ solar, wind, and water power, their progre­ss has been sluggish due to se­veral hurdles such as policy restrictions, unde­rdeveloped infrastructure­, and insufficient investment. Conse­quently, Pakistan maintains its depende­nce on fossil fuels to mee­t its energy require­ments, thereby e­scalating air pollution, threats to public health, and the e­ffects of climate change.
  4. The De­teriorating Environment due to Urbanization: Pakistan’s significant citie­s, such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad are witnessing incre­ased urbanization and population growth. Such rapid changes spell trouble­ for the environment – think air and wate­r pollution, decimation of forests, and disappearing gre­en spaces. Without proper planning, city growth, insufficie­nt infrastructure, and lax regulation of environme­ntal rules, these hampe­r the environment furthe­r, posing threats to public health. Let’s take­ air pollution for instance – our cities have le­vels surpassing the standards set by the­ World Health Organization (WHO). The repe­rcussions? Respiratory illnesses, he­art issues, and untimely deaths. In the­ bargain, intrusion into natural habitats and ecosystems exace­rbates the loss of biodiversity. It thre­atens the viability of these­ vital ecological spheres and the­ necessary service­s they provide for human survival.

For tackling existing issue­s and advocating for continual growth, Pakistan must turn to an economic growth blueprint that values e­nvironmental safety, resilie­nce, and equality. This blueprint e­ncompasses:

  1. Overhauling Policies and Enhancing Institutions: The­ introduction of policy changes to boost water manageme­nt, enhance ene­rgy efficiency, champion the use­ of renewable e­nergy, and bolster environme­ntal rules and implementation strate­gies. This necessitate­s political commitment, the building up of institutional skills, and partnership among various stake­holders to bridge governance­ deficiencies, stre­amline process of making decisions, and guarante­e resource manage­ment with integrity and transparency.
  2. Boosting Funds for Gree­n Energy and Clean Innovations: The focus is on amplifying the­ funds directed towards infrastructure supporting re­newable ene­rgy including solar, wind, and hydropower initiatives. This aims to create­ an eclectic ene­rgy blend, minimize gree­nhouse gases, and bolster e­nergy sustainability. It necessitate­s garnering both local and global financing, designing incentive­s that attract private sector engage­ment, and encouraging progressive­ thinking and the exchange of advance­d clean energy te­chnologies.
  3. Strengthe­ning Agriculture and Water Regulation for a Variable­ Climate: Encouraging farming approaches that can withstand climate change­s, such as sustainable farming, varying crop types, and water-saving wate­ring methods to boost crop yield, ensure­ food availability, and fortify income stability. Pouring funds into water control structures, e­ncompassing water retention syste­ms, watering routes, and rainwater accumulation me­chanisms, to boost water access, effe­ctiveness, and fair allotment.
  4. Gree­n City Development and Infrastructure­ Building: Embracing comprehensive city planning strate­gies that give priority to sustainable land utilization, e­co-friendly infrastructure, public transit systems, and e­fficient waste disposal to lesse­n ecological damage, augment city re­silience, and boost living standards for city dwelle­rs. This necessitates ble­nding climate-related conside­rations in city design procedures, advocating conde­nsed and pedestrian-frie­ndly urban areas, and cultivating citizen involveme­nt and societal inclusion in the decision-making proce­ss.
  5. Building Capability and Spreading Aware­ness: Elevating human and organisational resource­s via educational programs, skill-enhanceme­nt sessions, and mutual learning initiatives. The­se programs aim to bolster resilie­nce towards climate changes, re­inforce sustainable environme­nt practices, and advance adaptive abilitie­s at community, national, and international lengths. It also involves making the­ public more conscious about the crucial nature of e­nvironmental preservation, de­velopment backed by sustainability, and progre­ssive environmental be­haviour. This is done through tailored informative campaigns, inte­racting with the community, and by initiating initiatives around educating about the­ environment.

In esse­nce, taking a stride towards a more sustainable­ and robust trajectory of growth demands a shared commitme­nt from the government, community bodie­s, businesses, and global entitie­s. This is necessary to tackle the­ intricate ties betwe­en environmental, social, and e­conomic issues which Pakistan currently wrestle­s with. By embracing a well-rounded strate­gy that maintains a harmony between e­conomic progression, preserving the­ environment, and social fairness, Pakistan has the­ potential to establish a more sustainable­ and affluent future for its citizens. This strate­gic action can also help address the looming global warming crisis that pose­s a significant risk.

AJKPSC New Jobs advertisement 1/2024

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Age 25 to 40 years



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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Biology, Zoology, Botany (BS 18)
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No. of Vacancies 02
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Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
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Age 25 to 40 years



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Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 25 to 40 years



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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Politics (BS 18)
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Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
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Age 25 to 40 years




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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Statistics (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
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Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 25 to 40 years



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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Physical Education (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 25 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/4 (8)- R(1/-2024)

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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Biology, Zoology, botany (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except (Muzaffarabad, Neelum, Haveli, Sudhanoti, poonch, Kotli, Bhambar)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 25 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/4 (9)- R(1/-2024)

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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Mathematics (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 25 to 40 years



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Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Professor Computer Science (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 04
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Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
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Age 25 to 40 years
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Case no. A- 1/3 (1)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer English  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old: 07 New:18 Total vacancies: 24
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(02) new(01) total(03), Jhelum valley old(01) new(02) total(03), Neelum valley old(01) new(02) total(03), Haveli Kahuta old(01) new(01) total(02), Baagh(01), Sudhanoti(02), Poonch(01), Kotli(02), Mirpur(01), Bhambar(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(01) new(02) total(03), refugees 1989(01), special people(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (2)- R(1/-2024)Examination fees (RS. 505/-)
Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Urdu  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:04 New:06 Total:10
District Quota Neelum(01), Baagh old(01) new(01) total(02), Sudhanoti(01), Poonch old(01) new(01) total (02), Kotli old(02) new(01) total(03), Bhambar(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
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Age 21 to 40 years



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Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Physics  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Muzaffarabad (01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (4)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Chemistry (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:03 New:06 Total:09
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Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (5)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Mathematics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Bhambar(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (6)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Biology (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(01) new(01) total(02)


Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3  (7)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Botany (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 04
District Quota Muzaffarabad (01),  Poonch(01), Bhambar(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (8)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Zoology (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Baagh(01), Kotli(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (9)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Economics  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Sudhanoti(01), Mirpur(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3  (10)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Islamiat (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:07 New:08    Total:15
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(02) new(01) total(03), Baagh old(02) new(01) total(03), Poonch old(01) new(01) total(02), Mirpur old(01) new(01) total(02), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(02), refugees 1989 old(01) new(02) total (03)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3  (11)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer History  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 08
District Quota Jhelum valley(01), Neelum valley(01), Baagh(01), Kotli(01), Bhambar(01), refugees 1989(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (12)- R(1/-2024)Examination fees (RS. 505/-)
Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Statistics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (14)- R(1/-2024)Examination fees (RS. 505/-)
Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Politics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 10
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Jhelum valley(01), Haveli(01), Poonch(01), Mirpur(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (03), refugees 1989(01), disable people(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (15)- R(1/-2024)Examination fees (RS. 505/-)
Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer psychology (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Mirpur(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s degree 2nd division/ BS in the relevant subjector an equivalent qualification; provided that M.A. English 3rd Division with Diploma in English from Allama Iqbal open university shall also be eligible for the post’’

Those candidates who have already submitted their complete applications against the jobs advertised in Male Lecturer Cadre Commission’s advertisement no. 2-/2022, 1-/2021, 1-/2020 and 2-/2019 need not to resubmit them. However, those vacancies which have been challenged by writ petition or against which the court has issued a stay order will be proceeded according to the orders of the court.


Case no. A- 1/3 (16)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Commerce Instructor (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 05
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Baagh(01), Kotli(01, refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. Master’s degree in Commerce at least 2nd division from any recognized University or equivalent qualification 2. HEC 3. BS Commerce 2nd Class Minimum MBE/MBA or MA Economics with Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.”



Case no. A- 1/3 (17)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Commerce  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:03 New:06     Total:09
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Jhelum valley(01), Kotli old(01) new(01) total(02), Mirpur(01), Bhambar(), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(02) new(01) total(03), refugees 1989(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 40 years
Education ability “1. Master’s degree in Commerce at least 2nd division from any recognized University or equivalent qualification 2. HEC 3. BS Commerce 2nd Class Minimum MBE/MBA or MA Economics with Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.”


Lecturers Female Cadre:

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement
AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement
Case no. A- 1/3 (1)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer psychology (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Mirpur(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (2)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer English  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:08 New:09     Total:17
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Jhelum valley old(02) new(01) total(03), Haveli old(01) new(01) total(02), Sudhanoti old(01) new(01) total(02), Mirpur old(01) new(01) total (02), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(02) new(01) total(03), refugees 1989(01), Kotli old(01) new(01) total(01), special people(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (3)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Urdu (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:10 New:07 Total:17
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(01) new(01) total(02), Jehlum valley old(02) new(01) total(03), Haveli old(01) new(01) total(02), Sudhanoti old(01) new (01) total(01), Mirpur old(01) new(01) total(02), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(02) new(01) total(03), refugees 1989(01), Kotli old(01) new(01) total(02), special people(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (4)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Physics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Poonch(01), Mirpur(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (5)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Chemistry  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:02 New:06 Total:08
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), Haveli (01),  Kotli(01), Bhambar(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(01) new(01) total(02), refugees 1989 old(01) new(01) total (02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (6)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Mathematics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Neelum valley (01), Baagh(01), Mirpur(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (7)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Biology (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:01 New:03 Total:04
District Quota Jhelum valley(01) Sudhanoti old(01) new(01) total(02), refugees 1989(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years



Case no. A- 1/3 (8)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Botany (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Muzaffarabad(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (9)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Zoology  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:01 New:03    Total:04
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(01) new(01) total(02), Mirpur(01), Bhambar(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (10)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Islamiat (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:04 New:03 Total:07
District Quota Kotli(01), Poonch old(02) new(01) total(03), Bhambar old(02) new(01) total(03)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (11)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Arabic  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Neelum valley(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (11)- R(1/-2024)Examination fees (RS. 505/-)
Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer History (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Kotli(01), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(01), refugees 1989(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (12)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Pakistan Studies(BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Poonch(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (13)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Politics (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Baagh(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (14)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Computer Science (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Kotli(01), Bhambar(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


Case no. A- 1/3 (15)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Philosophy   (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Kotli
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years


No candidate submitted an application against the Female Cadre Commission’s Lecturer Philosophy vacancy (PS-17) advertised in advertisement no. 2-/2016 so this vacancy is being advertised again.

Case no. A- 1/3 (16)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Psychiatrist  (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(01), Mirpur(01), Kotli(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability ‘’Master’s Degree in 2nd division/ BS in the relevant subject or equivalent qualification; provided that M.A. English 3rd Division with Diploma in English from Allama Iqbal Open University shall also be eligible for the post.’’

Those candidates who have already submitted their complete applications against the jobs advertised in Female Lecturer Cadre Commission’s advertisement no. 2-/2022, 1-/2021 and 1-/2020 need not to resubmit them. However, those vacancies which have been challenged by writ petition or against which the court has issued a stay order will be proceeded according to the orders of the court.


Case no. A- 1/3 (16)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (RS. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Lecturer Commerce (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Kotli(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. Master’s degree in Commerce at least 2nd division from any recognized University or equivalent qualification 2. HEC 3. BS Commerce 2nd Class Minimum MBE/MBA or MA Economics with Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce.”


Case no. A- 1/3 (18)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Librarian (BS 17)                        Khurshid National Library
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability ‘’Master’s Degree in library science at least 2nd division’’.


 Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Male Cadre:

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A- 3/2 (1)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/Vacancy Legal Officer (BS 17)
No. of vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or Female
Age 25 to 40
Educational ability 1. M.A. 2nd Division or L.L.B. 2. Two years legal practice or

3 years of experience as Legal officer/ Prosecutor in Education Department


Case no. A- 2/2 (2)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher General Line (BS 16)
No. of vacancies Old: 31 New:200 Total:231
District Quota Neelum valley old(01) new(07) total(08), Muzaffarabad old(04) new(24) total(24), Jhelum valley old(01) new(09) total(10), Naagh old(02) new(14) total(16), Haveli Kahuta old(01) new(06) total(07), Poonch old(03) new(18) total (21), Sudhanoti old(02) new(12) total(14), Kotli old(04) new(25) total (29), Mirpur old(03) new(18) total(21), Bhambar old(02) new(16) total(18), Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(06) new(37) total(43), refugees 1989 old(02) new(12) total (14), Disable people open merit (02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability 1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd Division in Social Sciences (Urdu, Pak Studies, Islamic Studies, English Or other relevant subjects) from any University recognized by HEC, and 2. B.Ed. (2nd Division) from any University recognized by HEC OR 3. Master’s degree in Education/BS (Hons) in Education/ B.Ed (Hons) 4 years* 2 division from any university recognized by HEC


Those candidates who have submitted their complete applications against the Commission’s advertisement no. 4-/2022 for Secondary School Teacher General Line (BS 16) Male Cadre don’t need to submit their applications again.


Case no. A- 2/2 (3)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher Science (BS 16)
No. of vacancies 06
District Quota Neelum (02), Muzaffarabad (07), Jhelum valley (03), Baagh (04), Haveli Kahuta (02), Poonch(05), Sudhanoti (04), Kotli(07) Mirpur(05), Bhambar(05), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(11), refugees 1989 (04), Disable people open merit(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability 1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd division in Physics, Maths from any University recognized by HEC and 2. B. Ed/ BS.Ed 2nd division from any University recognized by HEC.


BS (Hons) in Education/B.Ed (Hons) Secondary 4 years (2nd Division) with Math + Physics as major subjects from any University recognized by HEC




Case no. A- 2/2 (4)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher Biology (BS 16)
No. of vacancies 40
District Quota Neelum (01), Muzaffarabad (05), Jhelum valley (02), Baagh (03) Haveli Kahuta (01), Poonch(04), Sudhanoti (02), Kotli(05) Mirpur(04), Bhambar(03), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(08), refugees 1989 (02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability ‘’1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd division in Biology/ Botany/ Zoology/ Chemistry  from any University recognized by HEC and 2. B. Ed/ BS.Ed 2nd division from any University recognized by HEC.


BS (Hons) in Education/B.Ed (Hons) Secondary 4 years (2nd Division) with Biology, Botany or Zoology as major subjects from any University recognized by HEC.’’



Female Cadre:

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement

Case no. A- 2/2 (5)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher General Line  (BS 16)
No. of vacancies Old:132 New:164 Total: 296
District Quota Neelum valley old(04) new(05) total(09), Muzaffarabad old(16) new(20) total(36), Jhelum valley old(06) new(07) total(13), Baagh old(09) new(12) total(21), Haveli Kahuta old(04) new(05) total(09), Poonch old(12) new(14) total (26), Sudhanoti old(09) new(10) total(19), Kotli old(17) new(21) total (38), Mirpur old(12) new(14) total(26), Bhambar old(10) new(13) total(23), Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(24) new(31) total(55), refugees 1989 old(08) new(10) total (18), Disable people open merit old(01) new(02) total(03)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability ‘’1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd Division in Social Sciences (Urdu, Pak Studies, Islamic Studies, English Or other relevant subjects) from any University recognized by HEC, and 2. B.Ed. (2nd Division) from any University recognized by HEC OR 3. Master’s degree in Education/BS (Hons) in Education/ B.Ed (Hons) 4 years* 2 division from any university recognized by HEC’’


Those candidates who have submitted their complete applications against the Commission’s advertisement no. 4-/2022 for Secondary School Teacher General Line (BS 16) Female Cadre don’t need to submit their applications again.


Case no. A- 2/2 (6)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher Science (BS 16)
No. of vacancies Old: 21  New:13  Total:24
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(02) new(02) total(02), Jhelum valley old(01) new(01) total (02), Baagh old(01) new(01) total(01), Poonch old(02) new(01) totao(03), Sudhanoti old(01) new(01) total(02), Kotli old(03) new(02) total(05), Mirpur old(02) new(01) total(03), Bhambar old(02) new(01) total(03), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(04) new(02) total(06), refugees 1989 old(01) new(01) total(02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability 1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd division in Physics, Maths from any University recognized by HEC and 2. B. Ed/ BS.Ed 2nd division from any University recognized by HEC.


BS (Hons) in Education/B.Ed (Hons) Secondary 4 years (2nd Division) with Math + Physics as major subjects from any University recognized by HEC


Those candidates who have submitted their complete applications against the Commission’s advertisement no. 4-/2022 for Secondary School Teacher Science (BS 16) Female Cadre don’t need to submit their applications again.


Case no. A- 2/2 (6)- R(1/-2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505/-)

Job title/ Vacancy Secondary School Teacher Biology (BS 16)
No. of vacancies 53
District Quota Neelum (02), Muzaffarabad (06), Jhelum valley (02), Baagh (04) Haveli Kahuta (01), Poonch(05), Sudhanoti (03), Kotli(07) Mirpur(05), Bhambar(04), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(10), refugees 1989 (03), disable people open merit(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Female only
Age 22 to 40
Educational ability ‘’1. Master’s Degree/ BS (Hons) 2nd division in Biology/ Botany/ Zoology/ Chemistry  from any University recognized by HEC and 2. B. Ed/ BS.Ed 2nd division from any University recognized by HEC.


BS (Hons) in Education/B.Ed (Hons) Secondary 4 years (2nd Division) with Biology, Botany or Zoology as major subjects from any University recognized by HEC.’’



Department of Food

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-2/3 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Head Clerk (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Baagh (01), Sudhanoti(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.A/B.Sc/B.Com from any University recognized by HEC.’’


Case no. A-2/3 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy District Food Controller (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.A/B.Sc/B.Com from any University recognized by HEC.’’


 Department of Electricity

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement
AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/4 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Revenue Officer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Muzaffarabad (01), Neelum (01), Bhambar(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “M.Sc Physics/Maths/ State/Eco/M.Com/MBA/MSC/BSc Electrical Engineering/ B.Tech Honors.”



Case no. A-3/4 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Software Engineer/ Computer Programmer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit except (Muzaffarabad, Baagh)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “2nd Class Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering/ Computer System Engineering/ Computer Engineering or MIT/MCS/BCS”.



Case no. A-3/4 (3)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Engineer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old: 06 New:13  Total:19
District Quota Muzaffarabad (03), Neelum old(01) new(03) total(04), Poonch old(03) new(01) total(04), Sudhanoti(02), Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(02) new(03) total(05)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.Sc Electrical Engineering from a recognized University registered as a professional Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council.”


Note: Those candidates who have submitted their applications completely against the Commission’s advertisement for the vacancy of Assistant Engineer (BS-17) in advertisement no. 1-/2020 for District quota Muzaffarabad, Poonch, refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan and against the Commission’s advertisement no. 2-/2022 for the vacancies advertised there for District Quota Mirpur need not to submit their applications again. However, actions against advertisement no. 2-/2022 and 1-/2020 will be taken after the decision of the court.


AJKPSC New Jobs Department Of Health

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement
AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement

Case no. A-4/5 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Radiologist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with MD OR MCPS in the Subject OR other equivalent qualification OR MBBS with postgraduate  qualification like DMRD OR MCPS OR the equivalent qualification.”


Case no. A-4/5 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Anesthetist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 09
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “1. MBBS with MS OR FCPS in the relevant subject OR other equivalent qualification OR MBBS with postgraduate qualification like DA OR MCPS in the relevant subject OR equivalent qualification.”


Case no. A-4/5 (3)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy General Surgeon/ Surgical Specialist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with postgraduate qualification MS/FCPS/MCPS in Surgery or equivalent duly recognized by PMDC. Officers with practical experience in the speciality will be given preference.”


Case no. A-4/5 (4)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Medicolegal Surgeon (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 05
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with FCPS OR M.Phil in the subject OR other equivalent qualification OR MBBS with postgraduate qualification like DMS (Medical Jurisprudent) OR MCPS with relevant subject OR equivalent qualification”.


Case no. A-4/5 (5)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Physician/ Medical Specialist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS OR MD OR FCPS (Medicines) OR equivalent OR MBBS and postgraduate qualification like MCPS (Medicines) OR equivalent qualification.”


Case no. A-4/5 (6)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Cardiologist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS OR equivalent medical qualification recognized by Pak Med and Dental Council ( hereinafter mentioned as the council) with the following postgraduate qualifications recognized by Council. 2. If no suitable candidate with the aforesaid qualifications is available then: MBBS OR equivalent Medical qualification recognized by the council with postgraduate diploma qualification namely MCPS  in the relevant subject OR equivalent qualifications recognized by the Council.”


Case no. A-4/5 (7)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Gynecologist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with MS. OR FCPS in Gynecologist OR other equivalent qualification OR MBBS with equivalent Medical qualifications and postgraduate qualification like DGO/MCPS in Gynecology OR other equivalent qualification.”


Case no. A-4/5 (8)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Orthopedic Surgeon (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with postgraduate qualification MS/FCPS/FRCS in Orthopedic Surgery or equivalent qualification duly recognized by PMDC. Officers with practical experience in the specialty will be given preference.”


Case no. A-4/5 (9)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Neurosurgeon (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS & FRCS OR FCPS (Neuro Surgery) OR equivalent qualification in the relevant subject recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.”


Case no. A-4/5 (10)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Urologist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with postgraduate qualification MS/FCPS/FRCS in Urology/ Diploma in Urology OR equivalent qualification duly recognized by PMDC. Officers with practical experience in the specialty will be given preference.”


Case no. A-4/5 (11)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Nephrologist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “1.MBBS or equivalent medical qualification recognized by the PMDC 2. Postgraduate qualification in the specialty i.e; a) FCPS (Nephrology or MD Nephrology) or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC, b) in case of non availability of the candidate having qualification mentioned in a) above FCPS/ MD (Medicine) or equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC with Diploma in Nephrology or equivalent qualification recognized by the PMDC c) 03 years of practical experience in the specialty of Nephrology in recognized institution after postgraduate qualification.”


Case no. A-4/5 (12)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Child Specialist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with postgraduate qualification in Pediatrics recognized by PMDC and training/ experience in preventive Pediatrics. Additional qualification in preventive medicines will be preferred.”


Case no. A-4/5 (13)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Psychiatrist (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 26 to 45 years
Educational ability “MBBS with MD or FCPS (Psychiatry) OR other equivalent qualification, OR MBBS with Postgraduate qualification like MCPS (Psychiatry) OR equivalent qualification”.


Case no. A-4/5 (14)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Technologist Preventive Care TB (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. Bachelor’s degree in 2nd Division. 2 . Having a 2 years diploma in relevant Technology/ Medical Technology from any Institute/ University recognized by HEC with 3 years of experience in relevant field.”



Case no. A-4/5 (15)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Technologist Preventive Care CDC (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. Bachelor’s degree in 2nd Division. 2 . Having a 2 years diploma in relevant Technology/ Medical Technology from any Institute/ University recognized by HEC with 3 years of experience in relevant field.”



Case no. A-4/5 (16)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Technologist Preventive Care EPI (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. Bachelor’s degree in 2nd Division. 2 . Having a 2 years diploma in relevant Technology/ Medical Technology from any Institute/ University recognized by HEC with 3 years of experience in relevant field.”



Case no. A-4/5 (17)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Medical Officer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old: 114 New:32  Total:146
District Quota Muzaffarabad old(14) new(04) total(18), Mirpur old(10) new(03) total (13), Kotli old(15) new(04) total (19), Poonch old(10) new(03) total (13), Baagh old(08) new (02) total(10), Bhambar old(09) new(03) total (12), Sudhanoti old(07) new(02) total(09), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan old(22) new(06) total(28),  refugees 1989 old(07) new(02) total (09), Jhelum valley old(05) new(01) total(06), Neelum valley old(04) new(01) total (05), Haveli old(03) new (01) total(04)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 22 to 40 years
Educational ability “1. MBBS or Equivalent 2.Registration with PMDC 3. Regular House job for one year”



Case no. A-4/5 (18)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Dental Surgeon (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 03
District Quota Open merit except (Mirpur, Sudhanoti, Jhelum valley, Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan and Refugees 1989)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability ‘’1.BDS or equivalent qualification 2. Registration with PMDC 3.Regular house job for one year”



Case no. A-4/5 (19)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Auxiliary Statistics (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 05
District Quota Muzaffarabad (01), Kotli(02), Sudhanoti (01), Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan (02)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Bachelor’s Degree (2nd Class) in Statistics/Economics/ Mathematics from any University recognized by HEC.”



Case no. A-4/5 (20)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Staff Nurse (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 80
District Quota Muzaffarabad(10), Mirpur(07), Kotli(10), Poonch(07), Baagh(06), Bhambar(06), Sudhanoti(05), Jhelum valley(04), Neelum(03), Haveli Kahuta(02), refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(15), refugees 1989(05)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.Sc Nursing (Generic) 04 year OR General Nursing Diploma  and one year Midwifery Diploma with valid registration from Pakistan Nursing Council OR One year diploma in any specialized course in lieu of Midwifery for male Nurse serving in Hard Area having valid registration from Pakistan Nursing Council.”



Case no. A-4/5 (21)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Librarian (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.A/ B.Sc. with D.LSc/B.LSc in Library Science/information sciences.”

 Department of Agriculture and Livestock

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/6 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Instructor Livestock (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except (Muzaffarabad)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “D.V.M/B.Sc (Hons) Animal Husbandry.”



Case no. A-3/6 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Instructor Horticulture (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except (Muzaffarabad)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture in Horticulture.”



Case no. A-3/6 (3)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Director Crop Reporting (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Kotli (010
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “M.Sc in Statistics/ Economics/ Mathematics.”


 Department of Services and General Administration

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-2/7 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 09
District Quota Refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan(02), Kotli(02), Mirpur(01), Bhambar(01), Sudhanoti(01), Neelum(01), Muzaffarabad(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Graduate from a University recognized by HEC.”


Department of Tourism


Case no. A-3/8 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Director tourism
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except( Muzaffarabad, Poonch)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s Degree/ B.S (Hons) in Tourism and Hospitality Management Services from any University recognized by HEC.”


Proceedings for the vacancy of Assistant Director Politics (BS 17) advertised in Commission’s advertisement no. 1-/2017, 1-/2012 will be carried out after the decision of the court.


Case no. A-2/8 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Auxiliary Officer Politics (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except ( Muzaffarabad, Baagh, Poonch, Haveli and refugees 1989)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.S (Hons) in Tourism and Hospitality Management/ MBA (Marketing) from any University recognized by HEC.”

 Department of Religious Affairs

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/9 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Tehsil Mufti (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota District Bhambar(01), Sudhanoti(01)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “Shahadat-ul- Aalmiyya fil- Uloom Al-Arabia Wal- Islamia awarded by Tanzeem ul Madaris/ Wafaq ul Madaris Al Arabia/ Wafaq-ul-Madaris-Al- Shifa (Ahl-e-Hadis)/Wafaq-ul-Madaris (Shia) or equivalent qualification recognized by HEC provided that such sanad holders have qualified in two additional subjects other than Arabic and Islamic Studies at the B.A. level and have also qualified in elective Pakistan Studies and Islamic Studies paper at the B.A level from a recognized University.


Graduate in Shariat (L.L.B Sharia) from any recognized University.”


Department of Information

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/10 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Information Officer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies Old:05 New:03 Total:08
District Quota Old open merit except (Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Kotli) (05), new open merit except (Muzaffarabad) (03) total (08)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 22 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s degree in journalism/Mass-communication and Media studies.”

The candidates who have submitted their complete applications against the 5 vacancies of Information Officer (BS 17) advertised in Commission’s advertisement no. 1-/2019 need not to submit their applications again. However, the court has issued a stay order against those 5 vacancies. Further proceedings will be carried out according to the decision of the court.”

 Department of Social Welfare and Women Development

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/11 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Physiotherapist (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “B.Sc/BS in Physiotherapy from a recognized University.  Experience will be preferred.”



Case no. A-3/11(2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Social Welfare Officer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s Degree in Social work/ Sociology/ Anthropology or rural Sociology”



Case no. A-3/11 (3)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Director (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s Degree preferably in Social Sciences/ Gender Studies.”

 Department of Environmental Affairs

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement

Case no. A-3/12 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Director Environmental Affairs (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit except ( Bhambar, Muzaffarabad, Baagh)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability 1.M.Sc/B.S (2nd division) in Environmental Sciences from a recognized University OR 2. If none is available with above qualification then (B.Sc 2nd Division) in Environmental Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering/ M.Sc 2nd Class in Chemistry/ Zoology/Botany, Agriculture and Forestry.”


AJKPSC New Jobs Department of interior

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-2/13 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Head Clerk (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 04
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognized by HEC.”



Case no. A-2/13 (2)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Superintendent Jail (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit except( Mirpur, Rawalakot, Bhambar, refugees from Jammu and Kashmir including Mangla Dam residents in Pakistan)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 28 years
Educational ability “Bachelor’s degree from any University recognized by HEC and having following physical standards:

•Minimum height: 1 meter-70 cm

•Minimum girth of chest: 78cm with an expansion of 3cm-3cm.”




Case no. A-3/13 (3)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Deputy Superintendent Jail (BS 16)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male only
Age 21 to 28 years
Educational ability “Bachelor’s degree in Social work/ Sociology/ Criminology/ Psychology or L.L.B from any recognized University with 5 years of experience and having following physical standards:

•Minimum height: 1 meter-70 cm

•Minimum girth of chest: 78cm with an expansion of 3cm-3cm.”


Department of Physical Planning and Housing

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-3/14 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Revenue Officer (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except (District Kotli and Haveli)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “M.Sc in Statistics/ Economics/ Maths/ Computer Science/M.Com/ MBA, ACCA,CA.

OR B.Sc Engineering with 05 years proven experience of relevant fields from any Govt. or Commercial Organization.”


AJKPSC New Jobs Department of Wildlife Fisheries


Case no. A-3/15 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 505)

Job title/ Vacancy Assistant Game Warden (BS 17)
No. of Vacancies 01
District Quota Open merit except ( Muzaffarabad, Bhambar, Haveli Kahuta, Kotli)
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 18 to 40 years
Educational ability “M.Sc Zoology 2nd class Or B.Sc Forestry 2nd class with B.Sc Zoology as a subject 2nd class.”



AJKPSC Jobs Department of Law

AJKPSC New Jobs Advertisement


Case no. A-4/16 (1)-R (1-/2024)

Examination fees (Rs. 1005)

Job title/ Vacancy Deputy Director (BS 18)
No. of Vacancies 02
District Quota Open merit
Citizenship Residents of the State of Jammu and Kashmir Class I
Eligibility Gender: Male or female
Age 21 to 40 years
Educational ability “Master’s degree (2nd Division) or LLB 2nd Division from a recognized University by HEC.”


Those candidates who have  submitted their complete applications for the open merit vacancy of Deputy Director (BS 18) advertised in the Commission’s advertisement no. 1-/2020 don’t need to submit their applications again. However, these candidates are required to submit an additional fee of Rs. 505/-.



How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test 2024

how to prepare ajkpsc general ability test


How to prepare AJKPSC General ability test is question asked by many aspirants because AJKPSC general ability test is conducted for multiple positions. This test is based on the Mcqs pattern divided into different sections. To prepare AJKPSC general ability test you need to have an effective strategy applicable to different sections accordingly. This article has brought a complete guide for you to ace AJKPSC’s general ability test.

1_Analyse The Syllabus How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

First of all, you need to analyse the syllabus throughly. GAT is divided into different portions. Urdu and English encompass maximum weight with 20% marks allocated to each. other portion includes Pakistan affairs, current affairs, Kashmir studies, Islamic studies general science and ability. A thorough analysis of the syllabus will set the ground to go for you.

How To Prepare AJKPSC General Gbility Test
How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

2_ Dont Crame The Macq’s How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

Major mistakes students commit while preparing for the AJKPSC general ability test are none other than cramming multiple-choice questions. This is not the right strategy. You have to understand the concept and focus on in-depth study rather than cramming. Cramming multiple-choice questions never imparts a safer zone because the examiner can ask a question from any source. Hence it is more appropriate to rely on an in-depth understanding of the concept. Here is an example to clarify the myth of cramming. If you memorize mcqs related to tenses from any book. you will get good marks if the examiner set the question from that specific book you have prepared. In case he consults some other source you will stuck while solving the question. contrarily if you are prepared and understand the concept you can solve any question taken from any source. So one must understand the concept rather than memorising it.

3_ Focus on Key areas Deriven From The Past Papers

How To Prepare AJKPSC General Gbility Test
How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

You must have heard about the eighty and twenty rules. if you have not. Here is it. Every syllabus is divided into two categories. From 80% of the syllabus, the examiner asks for just 20% of questions while 20% of key areas of the syllabus could bring you to 80% of the question paper. If you identify that portion of the syllabus you will have distinguished yourself from the rest of the aspirants.

4_ Make Notes While reading How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

Notes-making is one of the best-known strategies for preparing AJKPSC general ability test. These notes will extensively help you with your revision. Secondly, it will help strengthen your concept. One-liner notes are best to prepare for the General ability test of AJKPSC.

How To Prepare AJKPSC General Gbility Test
How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

5_ Practice MCQs How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

When you have covered the syllabus one time you can assess your preparation for AJKPSC’s general ability test by practicing mcqs. Practising mcqs will clarify your mind about your strong areas as well as deficiencies you can overcome your deficiencies in this way. Many online platforms are available where you can appear in mock tests and get evaluated with precious feedback.

6_ Practice Past Paper How To Prepare AJKPSC General Ability Test

The past paper has a crucial role in AJKPSC’s general ability test. Many questions are repeated in every single exam. So practicing past papers can be helpful for overall preparation and understanding of the exam pattern as well. Especially the English and Urdu portions are lengthy hence you need to search out the key topic and consult the past paper for refined preparation.


To sump up the debate it can be safely said that To ace the AJKPSC general ability test you have to understand the syllabus and exam pattern. Besides you have to practice mcqs and past papers for refined preparation. Follow this strategy to crack AJKPSC’s general ability test. For further tips and tricks regarding the AJKPSC and other exams keep visiting PscPoint.

How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024



AJKPSC conducts tests for different positions and these tests usually are according to the nature of the position going to be filled through the test. The Assistant Commissioner and section officer are the two most high-profile positions every candidate dreams of. Accordingly, the test conducted for the post of assistant commissioner and section officer is the most difficult one through AJKPSC. The whole test pattern is designed according to the pattern of the prestigious CSS exam. Hence to ace the test of assistant commissioner and section officer one must have completed the guidelines. If you want to prepare for the test of AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer test here are the complete guidelines for you.

1- Understand the Syllabus and Exam pattern,How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024
How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

First of all, you need to understand the syllabus thoroughly along with the exam pattern. AJKPSC test for assistant commissioner and section officer comprises 9 papers. The test is descriptive. It means you have to understand the syllabus according to the exam pattern.

2- Arrange the study material, How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

When it comes to studying material there is a misconception about the AJKHow To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024PSC descriptive test for assistant commissioner and section officer. The majority of candidates rely on CSS books. This is a huge mistake because the AJKPSC descriptive test is mostly oriented from the syllabus of graduation lavel . For instance, Islamic studies encompass maximum weightage in the AJKPSC test for Assistant commissioners and section officers with 2 papers and 250 marks. Almost 80% of questions asked from the textbook of graduation of the Islamic study compulsory and Islamic study elective courses. Those candidates having a strong grip on the graduation course would have more chances of allocation than others in every subject.

3- Make your notes , How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024|

While preparing for the AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer exam third step must be to prepare your notes while reading the book. These notes need to be short concise and in bullet points. Last month I interviewed a selected candidate for the AJKPSC descriptive test and asked a question what was your decisive strategy in your preparation journey? He told me that he made notes and revised them whenever he had time to revise. This strategy made him a conspicuous candidate at that time.

How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024
How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

4- Focus on the Current Affairs ,How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

In the AJKPSC test for assistant commissioner and section officer strong command over current affairs gives a candidate an edge in many subjects. For example, one paper on current affairs is compulsory with a hundred Marks. Other than this many questions were asked in the paper on Pakistan affairs, English essays, Urdu essays and even Islamic studies are no exception. Hence, Good command over current affairs proves a strong tool to clear the test and to stand on top of the merit list.

5 – Collect Stats and reference,How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024
How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

One of the most important tips regarding the AJKPSC test preparation for the post of assistant commissioner and section officer is to collect stats and references from different sources. for instance, an editorial from Dawn, Express Tribune, opinions from international newspapers like the Washington Post, Aljazeera, and World Bank reports on different issues are the most important sources to collect stats and references. This reference will distinguish you from the rest of the candidates.

6- Daily Writing Practice |How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024|

How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024
How To Prepare For AJKPSC Assistant Commissioner and Section Officer Test 2024

AJKPSC test for the post of assistant commissioner and section officer is descriptive. You need to be an expert in handwriting. you must have mind and hand coordination which comes with writing practice. So make sure to write at least half an hour daily.


This article has provided you with all the important tips and tricks to prepare for the AJKPSC test for assistant commissioners and section officers. if you are a PSC or NTS aspirant keep visiting PscPoint.com to achieve Excellence in your career.

NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022

NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022


NTS has announced various position in AJK Police department. Due to lack of past paper candides finds it really hard to prepare for the test. PscPoint has brought the past paper of AJK Police conducted in 2022. if you want to prepare for the test of NTS AJK Police department than this past paper would prove decisive for you. here it goes.

 Urdu Portion | NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022|

NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022
NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022


  •  What is Tashbee?
  • what is the kind of name which derived because of love-hate or any other attributes?
  • what are kinds of nouns in terms of meanings? 
  • what are the kinds of nouns?

 Q2_ Write a letter to your friends about the aim of your life

 Q3- Write an essay in Urdu on any one of the following topic

  • causes and solutions of environmental pollution
  • Discipline
  • Terrorism
  • Responsibilities of police

English Portions|NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022|

 Read the passage and answer the questions

NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022
NTS AJK Police Past Paper 2022

 Tipu Sultan lived for 50 years and ruled over Mysore for seventeen years. Most of his life was spent at the Battlefield. Under him, Maysor became a rich state. Both Hindus and Muslims admired him. He was kind and generous to all. The great poet Iqbal has given him the title of Martyr king. He fought against the British army for majority of his life.

 Question | NTS AJK Police Past paper 2022|

  •  Q1- How long did Tipu Sultan rule over Mysore?
  • Q2- Where did he spend most of his life? 
  •  Q3- How was Maysore under him? 
  •  Q4- How was Tipu Sultan to all? 
  •  Q5- Who has given him the name of Martyr King? 
  •  Q3- Write the Paragraph in English. 

 General Knowledge, Pakistan Study portion and Islamic Study portion

nts ajk police past paper 2022
NTS AJK Police past paper 2022
  • When Muhammad Bin Qasim attacked Sindh?
  •  Who was the last viceroy of India? 
  •  When was the Lucknow Pact Signed? 
  •  When Nehru’s report was presented? 
  •  When Crip’s mission came to India? 
  •  Who presented the Lahore resolution? 
  •  when Quaid e Azam joined the Muslim League?
  •  When Allama Iqbal presented Khutba Allahabad?
  •  When first Martial law imposed?
  •  Who wrote Pakistan’s anthem?
  •  when were the first postal tickets issued?
  •  Which is Pakistan’s smallest river?
  •  What is the total area of AJK?
  •  Which is the most populous District of AJK?
  •  Which is the highest military rank in Pakistan?
  •  Which is the largest library in Pakistan?
  •  What is the length of Minar-e-Pakistan?
  •  Who was the first foreign minister of Pakistan?
  •  Which is the national day of Pakistan?
  •  what is the name of the capital of Sri Lanka?
  •  where FIFA World Cup 2022 was played?
  •  Which is the capital of Russia?
  •  which is the largest District of the AJK Interm area?
  •  Hazrat Umar called?
  •  what is the current Hijri here?
  •  Which surah is called the Heart of the Quran?
  •  How many times word Quran is repeated in the Quran?
  •  Which surah is after the name of war?
  •  Hazrat Musa met with the Holy Prophet at which heaven?
  •  In Men Who accepted Islam first?
  •  How many books are included in Suha-e-Sita?
  •  What is the name of Sixth Kalima?
  •  In Which Hijri Gazwa Ohad Was Faught?
  •  Which is the first mosque of Islam?
  •  How many doors of hell are present?
  •  In Which Islamic battle Angeles helped Muslim?


This was the paper conducted in 2022 for the recruitment in AJK police. If we look at the paper we would noticed that it is comprises on the very basic knowledge of urdu, english, islamic studies, current affair and pakistan affair. The candidates of NTS in AJK police can take full guidelines from this paper for the preparation of NTS 2023 in AJK police. For all kinds of test preparation especially in AJK NTS and AJKPSC keep visiting PscPoint this platform will surely raise you to excellence in your carrer.